Every APS student will have a PLAN for his or her future.
Within 90 days of entering APS, every student will create a plan that includes goals for academic achievement; graduation; extracurricular and volunteer service learning; work experience; and college and/or career.
The student will continue to develop this plan throughout his or her academic career.
Our Goal
By 2020, 100% of APS students, within 90 days of entering APS, will create plans that include goals for academic achievement; graduation; extracurricular and volunteer service learning; work experience; and college and/or career.
The expected outcomes for Goal 1 are:
Increased graduation rates
Higher SAT scores
How Will We Get There?
What is a Plan?
What is a STUDENT PLAN in APS?
The Plan referred to in APS 2020 Goal 1 is the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP is a tangible way to represent and reflect the exploration and planning completed during a student’s K-12 experience. It is a multi-year, student-directed process that is built upon each year and follow students throughout their academic experience.
The plan is reviewed and supported by the student’s network of support including parents, teachers, coaches and school counselors at least once per year. ICAPs take into consideration students’ unique, self-defined interests, needs and goals for shaping successful futures. Other plans that are considered include IEPs, 504s, and READ plans.
ICAP and Student Plan Resources
As part of each P-20 Learning Community, every school has access to a Postsecondary Workforce Readiness support team that works with principals and educators to develop ICAP plans for every student.
“A well developed ICAP, based on contextual experiences and authentic self reflection, provide our students the opportunity to explore their passions and structure this exploration into a narrative.”
~ Ron Fay, Rangeview H.S. Principal
Supporting Documents & Research
Goal 1 Educators' Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide guidance and resources to district and school administrators for improving the engagement and application of APS 2020 Goal 1: Every student will have a plan for his or her future. This toolkit offers research-based perspectives that can be modified to fit individual school needs.
The information provided will help staff understand the goals and objectives of Goal 1, including the implementation approach, how to help students engage in the development of their plans, tools used for documentation and sample templates all while accessing the necessary resources available to support the process.